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The Hunts

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Andrew & Michelle

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Our Dogs
Brodie & Silas

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My baby is to big

Wow, sorry it's been so long since my last post, not that anyone even reads this but it has been a while. I feel like I haven't really written an update on what Noah is up to at his sweet age of 14 months...so here is a recap
He walks really well, everywhere
He loves his stuffed animals, Douglas and Brodie
He loves to eat, especially blueberries
He is an emotional kid ( wonder where that came from) if a kid cries, he cries, if someone looks at him weird he cries, he loves to give hugs and wants to make friends with almost anyone
He is still taking 2 naps but most days its only 1
He can say juice, mommy, dada and duck
He is such a joy and I love that little guy more than life....he has stolen my heart.