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A glimpse into our crazy fun life.

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The Hunts

The Hunts
Andrew & Michelle

Our Dogs

Our Dogs
Brodie & Silas

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

We recently got our pregnancy pictures back and I think they turned out pretty good. I went to the Dr. yesterday and we have NO progress. My Dr. is going out of town for 2 weeks which are my 38 and 39th week so she may not be able to deliver Noah. At this point I am just ready to have him here and start being a mom.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

330 am Blog

Since I am up at 330 I decided to fill you in on the latest with The Hunts. We are 37 weeks which makes Noah a full term baby. He seems so be happy in his current location and will probably stay right where he is until 40 weeks, but one can only hope for an early delivery. I am getting really uncomfortable and trying all the old wives tales to get him to start to progress. We go back to the Dr. on Wednesday so cross your fingers for some dilation. He is not moving as much as he used to because he is running out of room and I am running out of patience. I am getting nervous about the unknown of delivery. People have described to me the pain of contractions and what they feel like but I know they will be like nothing I have ever experienced. I am praying for a quick (less than 20 hr) labor and a healthy baby and mom.

Andrew has been working really hard lately and working long hours to keep up with the demands of his job. I am so blessed to have a husband who is supporting my decision to quit my job so early and allowing me time to prepare for Noah. He is such a blessing.

The dogs I don't think have a clue as to what is going on and how there world is about to change. Brodie will go into Noah's room and smell everything. Silas could care less about the changes.

The new church plant that we are involved in is going really well. We are blessed to have a great core team and a great pastor. Summit Community Church will hopefully have it's first service in August so this summer is a huge time of getting things nailed down and getting to know people in our community.

That's about it for the Hunts. We have our bags packed and are ready for Noah at any minute. I can't wait to meet our little guy.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Now Generation

You and I are a part of this horrible NOW generation. I was slapped in the face with this reality yesterday as I sat in line at the bank for over 30 minutes. It started out as a typical day for me. Woke up, got dressed, wrote out my to do list and headed out to get things done as quickly as possible. My first stop was to the bank to fill our white envelopes that we are using to keep on track with money. I pulled up behind a white suburban...Saw her send the tube to the teller and send it back, OK...I thought...she is done....That was just the first transaction....by tube number 5 I started to feel frustrated and a brief surge of anger welled up in me...then I saw the tube come back and thought...ok this is it she is done....oh no....not so much. At this point I was so mad that I backed up to get in another line because I had been there for 10 min. and that was ridiculous, at the same time all the other lines filled up at least 3 cars deep. I took a deep breath and pulled back up behind the lady who was about to get rear ended by me...I sat there....and sat there for 30 minutes. I just kept thinking...doesn't she know I am behind her, why didn't she go inside...I am wasting so much time....Then I saw the lights..the bright red light that told me she was about to leave and at that moment God stopped me...I pulled forward, got my money and left.

Why did I feel so frustrated, Why was my first thought that I was somehow entitled to tell this lady off about how she wasted my time .... I heard a still small voice say " Patience". Oh my...what a slap in the face. God was trying to teach me something through my time at the bank. We are taught this song about fruits of the spirit, you know the song, but that is as far as it went for me. I can name all the things that God calls us to portray peace, patience..etc but for some reason it has never gotten down deep into me. As a part of the all about me I need it now generation we have forgotten to be in the world and not of it. This is not our home, but I don't see many people including myself living much different. What a desperate condition...what a need we have to dig our roots deep into God's word, deep into who he is and allow him to nourish us in such a way that we bear that fruit that distinguishes us from others.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

9 Months !!!! The Home Stretch....

The 9 month home stretch and I do mean that literally.....I am almost sure that my stomach has reached it's stretch capacity....and more will be stretching this month that I would rater not talk about. This week is going to be really busy for us but really exciting. Tuesday I have my ultrasound appt. and we will find out how much he weighs and his position. Wednesday we have our appt. with the Dr. to go over the ultrasound and this is when I start getting violated every week to find out if I have dilated or not. I can't believe that we are in the last month and Noah will be here soon.

Pregnancy symptoms:
I have had an increase in Braxton Hicks Contractions, some painful and some not at all ( why can't real contractions just be like that, Pain free - Damn Eve.)

I still don't sleep at night but have enjoyed late night snuggle time with my dogs on the couch watching late night stuff on TV like....Married to My Car and Friends episodes.

I am tired all the time. I can't bend over and most recently I couldn't even tell if I was wearing any underwear....yes they were lost under the belly and had to lift up my dress and ask andrew... Look....do you think I can see if I have any on....well do I....It was a funny moment.

It is really weird because we have started to put stuff on our calender for next month and seem to forget that we may have Noah by then and it may change things a bit.

Please be praying for us on Tuesday...that Noah looks good and healthy. Pray for a safe delivery and for Andrew and I to hold steadfast to God during this transition.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Recipe Friday - Mexican Pizza

This is one of our favorite things to have for dinner. If you haven't noticed we eat a lot of Mexican food. This is really quick and easy. I make 2 pizzas and we like them with different toppings so I just make the pizza plain then we add toppings after it comes out of the oven.

2 Boboli pizza crusts - I get the small personal size but you can use any size you want
2 cups Colby jack cheese, shredded
1 avocado
1 can vegetarian refried beans - I get the vegi. kind to avoid the lard
1 cup shredded lettuce
1/2 cup diced onions
Andrew likes his with taco meat on top as well

Take a pizza crust and spread beans and cheese on top. Place in oven at 350 for 15 minutes or until cheese is melted and crust is slightly crispy. Then add your toppings...I like to mix the avocado, onions and tomatoes together and put on top. You can add really anything you want. Then just cut and eat. Really simple and really good.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter and 35 weeks !!! Almost 9 months

Well here we are at 35 weeks. Noah is still moving around but he is quickly running out of room. I can't believe that he will be here in a couple of weeks. I am starting to get uncomfortable all the time and not just at night, but I know it will be over soon. We go for our next appt. on Tues. for an ultrasound. Noah has been kicking my bladder so the Dr. is thinking that he may be breech. We will be able to tell if we are thinking c-section and how much he will weigh. We are getting really excited. I had Andrew demonstrate for me how to put on a diaper and change a babies clothes this weekend. I guess I just wanted to make sure that if something were to happen to me that he would be able to take care of our child.

We didn't get to see family for Easter because I don't want to travel until I have him so it was sad. Thanks to our friends the Looper's they had some people over and that time with friends and fellowship made Easter better. I was reminded of the Grace of God during this weekend and his Love for me in that he died on a cross for my sins and rose again on the 3rd day. We have been so blessed with amazing friends and family. Continue to pray for a safe delivery and healthy baby.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Recipe Thursday ...I missed Tuesday

Cilantro-Lime Chicken with Avocado Salsa
  • 2 tbs chopped fresh cilantro
  • 2 tbs fresh lime juice
  • 2 tbs olive oil
  • 4 chicken breast, boneless
  • 1 tsp salt
  • cooking spray


  • 1 medium tomato chopped
  • 2 tbs onion chopped
  • 2 tsp fresh lime juice
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/8 tsp ground black pepper
  • 1 avocado chopped

combine first 4 ing. in bowl with chicken let sit for 5 minutes. remove from marinade and sprinkle salt. heat pan over medium heat and coat with cooking spray. cook for 6 minutes on each side until done.

Salsa - add all ing. and serve over chicken. Serve with rice..it's really good. I also tried another new recipe this week. Cilantro shrimp and corn chowder...It is now going to be one of my go to recipes...I will post that one next week.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Noah's Jungle

I just realized that I didn't post a picture of Noah's room. It is almost done just still waiting on the hutch to come in from babies r us . I have been stocking them everyday for the past 5 weeks with phone calls and still have not gotten anywhere. I have a love hate relationship with that place. Anyway this is Noah's room and it turned out great.
I had my 34 week appt. today and everything looks good. I am having an ultrasound in 2 weeks to check on the baby and see how big he is and will be when he arrives. Anyone who knows the Hunt family...they were all 9 - 10 lb babies and when I told my Dr. that today her eyes got big and said...well....we can tell in 2 weeks if you are going to have a 9 lb baby or not. Also all the boys have pretty big heads so not looking so good for me. They will also check me to see if I have dilated yet. I don't know if I am more excited to meet my child or have my body back to survey the damage pregnancy left me to work with.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Baby Bangs ( the following contains raw pregnancy details and may not be sutible for children )

So I don't know how many of you have experienced the lovely baby bangs that come with pregnancy but I have this horrible new hair growth that sticks up on the top of my head...no matter how hard I try to spray them with hair spray or gel they still stick up...So I have decided to blog about all the things I have experienced with pregnancy that are not all in the books. Don't get me wrong I know I am growing a baby and it is amazing.....but lets face it pregnancy is not all that attractive and fun.

I am 33 1/2 weeks and have gained 29 lbs. what the heck, yes 29 lbs on someone that is 5'1 is a lot to carry around. I didn't expect to gain that much weight my whole pregnancy because I don't eat that bad...but I have decided that every woman no matter how bad she eats....just like before you are pregnant, your body will do what it wants. Of course eating a hamburger everyday is a little much and would make anyone gain weight but even in eating well you will gain weight.

My boobs have now decided they have found a comfy position....on top of my stomach, yes as disgusting as that is it is however true. I knew they would get big but this is out of control....I am going to have to special order my bras if they continue to inflate.

I have bladder spasms all the time. When I get up from a laying position and stand the baby presses on my bladder....and I confess that the other day I got out of the shower and sneezed and I peed on myself.....what...I am only 29 and I have urinary incontinence...That was a shocker

I also from a sitting to standing position pass gas frequently....I did it the other day at a friends house and was so embarrassed. We hardly know them but when you are pregnant you can help it or hold it in.

In the books you will read about the line that will form on your stomach called Linea niagra....well mine decided to shift to the side of my stomach and looks completely jacked. I have seen some pretty prego stomachs before but all of there lines were straight.

I wake up every night about 4-6 times to pee and have now started to wake up...fully awake at 3 and not be able to go back to sleep. I know this is probably preparing me for the baby and all but it is every night almost on cue.

To combat all of the negative things that are going on, Noah is already starting to melt my heart. He is kicking all the time and during our night routine I play a song for him on my IPOD and he goes crazy...It's "Jesus Loves Me"....the one sang by Christy Nockles. It is as if he is worshiping God from the womb. also when I get in the glider and he is really active....I will start to rock and he falls asleep. I am trying to get him used to things now so that once he is born they will bring him back to his safe womb experience.