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The Hunts

The Hunts
Andrew & Michelle

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Our Dogs
Brodie & Silas

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My heart is in Haiti and soon I will be there too

As I have watched the images on TV about the earthquake in Haiti I have been moved to my core. People dead, loved ones missing, children now without parents....and I can't help but stop and search my own heart about the things that I take for granted. As soon as I knew of what happened God told me that I was going to be going....I tried to overlook it as ...well doesn't everyone want to do something type of feeling...but as the days continued God would not let me escape the overwhelming nudge in my spirit to step up and Go.....afterall isn't that what He calls us to do.....to Listen to his still soft voice and be ready at any second to step out of our comfort zone and make a difference for Him....

So I am going to Haiti on Feb. 1st for 6 days with Mercyworks. I just found out today and I have to say that I am excited but a little nervous at the same time. I have a lot that I need to prepare for Mentally, spiritually and physically and only have 1 1/2 weeks to do it in..I know I am listening to Gods call on my life and know he will keep us safe, but am also sad about leaving my sweet baby behind.

Friday, January 15, 2010


OK, so I don't know how many of you have been in search for the perfect pair of jeans your whole life but stop your search because I found them....Yes the Perfect pair of jeans....They make you look slim, tall and the pockets with a little bling either hide your booty or make it look like you have one....Really. They are called Miss Me jeans and I don't know why they are called that but I have decided it's because when a guy sees you walk away ....and they see how Amazing you look in your jeans....they will Miss you. You can get them from Buckle or Francesca's. They are a little expensive at 85-120 dollars but trust me, it is money well spent.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Playroom ideas

As we are still sitting here waiting for our house to sell I have been going through every room in our new house and decorating...no we don't have a new house yet....but in my mind we do, and it's amazing. I want to create a fun playroom that Noah can grow up in and learn about the world and about his Savior. I want to do a chair railing with a chalkboard on the bottom and have a tent in the corner of the room with lots of pillows in it for his reading corner. I can see it now.....little scriptures on the wall for him to memorize and a craft area where he can draw and paint and color.....I am so excited

Sunday, January 3, 2010


I have really been in a decorating mood since we put our house on the market and I have found a couple of things that I want to copy in our new house. I love the blue picture frames with the white furniture.
This is the dinning room that I want. I love the simple white chair covers and the way the chairs don't match.

The above piece of furniture is going to be fun to make. I can't wait to buy it old and restore it to look like this.