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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

New Hobby !!

So I have been thinking about starting a new hobby. I have recently been thinking about what it is that I really like to do and nothing really came to mind. Yes, I love spending time with my husband, dogs, friends and God , but I need something for me. Something that I am excited about and love to do that is not the norm like reading or running. So I have decided to save up money and buy a bike.....yes, you heard it....I want to be one of those people that you see on 360 that race past you with there tight spandex on and look more important than they are. I want to be able to ride a bike more than 1 mile and not be winded. I want to get in shape and rock that spandex....I want to make the most of this 1 life that God blesses me with. So after much investigation I have found that Cycling is not a cheap hobby and it will take about 1 month to save up enough money...but I am going to do it....I feel like I have to overcome this nagging feeling that I should be doing more with my time. So I will keep you posted on my new hobby adventure and let you know when I get my bike!!!!!

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