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The Hunts

The Hunts
Andrew & Michelle

Our Dogs

Our Dogs
Brodie & Silas

Monday, May 31, 2010

Noah's room idea

After lots of searching and looking at ideas I have finally decided on what I am going to do with Noah's room. I wanted it to be a room he can grow into so we won't be changing it for a while. So his entire room is going to be done around this 1 pillow that I just love...Its from Serena and Lily...I love that store.....

It is going to be awesome..I have tons of ideas going through my brain but the big idea is " A boys best friend"..we have 2 labs and Noah just loves them so much.

Friday, May 28, 2010

A year of Blessings

Wow it really seems like time has flown by this past year. I love this little guy so much and he has brought a love into our hearts that I never knew existed. We love you so much Noah. Today Noah had his 12 month pictures so I just wanted to share some of our favorite pictures from the past year !!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Love This

If I could do it all over again it would be something like this.....

Mommy Tip Tuesday

It's Tuesday so that means it's time to share some tips with each other. Today I want to talk about baby/Toddler food. When Noah started on the journey of food from the beginning I decided I wanted to make his food and make healthy choices for him. I loved knowing what was in his food and it actually make me realize how many poor choices in food I make for myself. When we passed the puree stage to real food it seems like it has been a little harder to make healthier choices. I still make his food but at times I turn to the processed foods just out of plain convenience. I give him fruit 3 times a day but I seem to be having trouble with some of the other stuff. Like, what do you fix for Lunch? I make him sandwiches but other than that what else do you feed a toddler? I can figure out breakfast and dinner but Lunch throws me everytime....what do you fix for Lunch? Any tips on healthy non processed foods that are easy.
The tips I would like to share today are from my experience with baby food. I found a couple of things that worked really well for us.

Tip #1 - I would bake everything at the same time for the whole week. potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, peas, beans....I would decide what foods to make and I would just throw everything in the oven. Then after he went to sleep for the night I would puree it all and pour it into ice cube trays then into the freezer. It was easier and allowed me to have the whole week done.

Tip #2 - I tried to make everything fresh and organic but when I couldn't I bought the bags of frozen...steam in bag....veggies and they works really well. Most of the bags that are frozen are really simple to use and cuts down the baking time. Read the food label to be sure to avoid and added salt or preservatives.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Does God still speak ?

A question that I often find myself struggling with spiritually is why doesn't God speak out loud to us anymore? It's all over scripture that God speaks to people out loud, he was once a burning bush and he told Noah to build an ark and I believe this all to be true but why not now? And even if he did speak what would his voice sound like? Would it be my voice only deeper or would it be a Godly Loud voice.

This past Friday I was driving home from a fun night out with some girlfriends and I decided to not turn on the radio and just be silent. Anyone who is a mom can appreciate 5 minutes of nothingness..... Then out of now where like a still small voice I heard " Someone in your family is going to go to the hospital tomorrow" I thought to myself, hmmm that is a weird thought to have, I wander why I am thinking about that, really random and weird. I dismissed it as just a random though but the feeling that came over me was like someone put a warm blanket around me. I went home and went to bed. I didn't even tell Andrew because I figured he would think I am really weird.

At 7 the next morning the phone rang....I immediately thought...someone is in the hospital...and sure enough my Grandmother had a stroke and was in the ER. At that very second I knew that was not just a random though but God telling me not to be alarmed....someone is going to the hospital in your family but I will take care of them...it will be ok.

I struggled with the question of if I should go to Lufkin or not but a gentle nudge kept saying just wait...remember I told you I will take care of her....don't go. so I didn't..I waited Sat. then all day Sunday ready to go at any second.

Then we got the news that it was a very small stroke and that she was doing really well.

How amazing is our God....So to answer your question does God still speak?

Yes he does if you listen.........

Friday, May 21, 2010

Bathroom Ideas

So We really need to repaint and re do our Master Bathroom and for some reason I really like the idea of Black and Yellow.....so I think that is what we are going to do and this is what I have come up with so far. I am considering doing one accent wall in wall paper.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Party....1 Year

Summer is here

Summer is almost here so that means I need to go shopping. There is nothing worse than going to the store to try on swimsuites....I mean what girl doesn't dread that....maybe Jennifer Aniston...but come on...you know none of us really look like that. So here are a couple of cute things I have found that I really want this summer.......

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mommy Tip Tuesday

So I have decided that every Tuesday I am going to post a new mommy tip. Something that I have found works for us that I can share with everyone and it is an opportunity to have everyone comment on the same subject every week on what works for them. So every week will have a different topic, add your comment and read others. My goal is that it will be a fun time to share with each other tips and learn a little something to make life a little easier.
So the topic this week is Cleaning the house? How and when do you clean the house when u have a little one?

Tip :1
I have found that I can get most of the dusting and laundry done during the day when Noah is asleep for a nap so i usually do that in the morning right when I lay him down. For some reason it makes me anxious if he is not sleeping and I usually wait for him to go to sleep until I start doing anything but for my sanity I have decided to start one house chore for 15 min. and then check on him to see if he is asleep.

I vacuum while he is awake. I put him in his High chair and take him around with me to different rooms. He really enjoys watching me and allows me to not have to carry him while I am vacuuming.

OK, now it's your turn to post a comment on what works for you !!!!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Little Surfer and Big Kahuna Birthday

Birthday cookie sneak peak !!! Tomorrow we are celebrating the 2 special men in my life. I still can't believe that Noah is turning 1 yr old.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Before and After

Transforming Love

Today as I sit down and finally have some time to blog I look around at our new house and can't imagine a more amazing blessing from God. I am trying to make it a home for my family....picking out the perfect paint colors....placing decorations in the right spot, making sure all the pictures are straight.....and I sit....and realize that much like making my new house perfect I sometimes am the same way with how I approach God...I try and get things right, straight, perfect before I spend time with God....before I feel worthy enough to sit in his presence. I want him to feel at home in my heart and to be honest most of the time I just have to much clutter in there for him to even sit down and stay a while. There is something to be said about a new home that is open, clean and just minimal stuff in all the rooms. Our home is finally starting to feel comfortable, even though we still have a lot of rooms to paint and things to do....It is being transformed into our home.....much like me...everyday...being transformed...being re shaped...being re painted to be more like Christ