A question that I often find myself struggling with spiritually is why doesn't God speak out loud to us anymore? It's all over scripture that God speaks to people out loud, he was once a burning bush and he told Noah to build an ark and I believe this all to be true but why not now? And even if he did speak what would his voice sound like? Would it be my voice only deeper or would it be a Godly Loud voice.
This past
Friday I was driving home from a fun night out with some girlfriends and I decided to not turn on the radio and just be silent. Anyone who is a mom can appreciate 5 minutes of nothingness..... Then out of now where like a still small voice I heard " Someone in your family is going to go to the hospital tomorrow" I thought to myself,
hmmm that is a weird thought to have, I wander why I am thinking about that, really random and weird. I dismissed it as just a random though but the feeling that came over me was like someone put a warm blanket around me. I went home and went to bed. I didn't even tell Andrew because I figured he would think I am really weird.
At 7 the next morning the phone rang....I
immediately thought...someone is in the hospital...and sure enough my Grandmother had a
stroke and was in the ER. At that very second I knew that was not just a random though but God telling me not to be alarmed....someone is going to the hospital in your family but I will take care of them...it will be
I struggled with the question of if I should go to
Lufkin or not but a gentle nudge kept saying just wait...remember I told you I will take care of her....don't go. so I didn't..I waited Sat. then all day Sunday ready to go at any second.
Then we got the news that it was a very small stroke and that she was doing really well.
How amazing is our God....So to answer your question does God still speak?
Yes he does if you listen.........