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Saturday, March 28, 2009

Welcome to the Jungle......

Today our little Noah was Showered with so much love at his baby shower. It was so much fun to hang out with friends and to get stuff that is all in prep for his arrival. Seems really weird but for some reason even though I feel him inside me kicking all day and I live with the awesome symptoms of pregnancy....when people give you something for your baby it makes it all real. I found myself several times today talking in my head...wait this is all for me because I am having a baby....me....I am having a child and the child is having me.....I am having a baby....ok...just breath. I can do this...I mean so many women before you have had babies without Bumbo seats, and BPA free bottles, and they all lived right.
We are 33 weeks and growing....still not sure how my skin can stretch much more but I know it will...hopefully without the marks that so proudly remind us of our pregnancy for the rest of our life. I am now going every 2 weeks to the Dr. and last appt. she told me that we have a long way to go....oh the words that every pregnant longs to hear...looks like you will go to your due date...YAY. It was bitter sweet. I am excited that he is still doing well but I guess it should be a relief that he is going to be here soon....6 weeks from now he will be here, but I am still not ready...mentally, emotionally, financially......still haven't read the books I need to to know what to do when he gets here. I have only read the ones about how he is progressing, which is the easy part of having a baby. Nursery is still not done, baby clothes are not washed, still have lots to do... but I am not working anymore so I will have time to nest and get ready.
Tonight Andrew is at his Man baby Shower playing poker with his friends, which he was so excited about since he never got to have a Bachelor party, so he was really blessed to have friends that wanted to do something special for him...I asked him to take the some pictures while he was there but told me that was totally a chick thing and he would be made fun of for a long time if I made him do that.....which I understand

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